
Greetings Family!

I pray all is well. I am so elated to be the new guy in the town of State College Pennsylvania. I am also excited to be the new Pastor of the Albright-Bethune United Methodist Church. As we are entering into a New Normal, I want to extend to each of you that we are a community church and we want to connect with you. The bible talks about in the book of Exodus Ch. 20:25 it says, “If you make an altar of stones for me, do not build it with dressed stones, for you will defile it if you use a tool on it.” Moses was given a command to build an altar. Now for our present context, the Altar that is being built now is in your heart. With all of our flaws and cracks and weak points the Lord wants us to build up the Altar upon our hearts with other mangled stones. The Hebrew context of cutting in the biblical text is a process of purification. Cutting the stones to make them look perfect and neat is not what the Lord asks. we each have specific designs made by God for a reason so that we can fit together. We must be a community that has the ability to understand that we each come to the table with many distinct and unique gifts and graces. The responsibility of the beloved community of Jesus is to Love and care for each other. The alter is built by stones being turned, flipped, and placed into a position that holds it into place. As the Pastor of Albright-Bethune UMCm my responsability is to love, care, and respect people and connect you to Jesus along your journey. I know that I was sent here to love you all and be with you during this time of COVID-19. As much as I’m praying for you, please be in prayer for me and with me during this transition. Be Blessed Fam!!!!